
Tuesday 13 September 2016

Tulsi herbal benifits

Image result for tulasi benefits
1. Fever And Common Cold

The medicinal use of Tulsi begins with the ability of the leaves to cure many kinds of fever.
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  • Tender Tulsi leaves boiled in water act as a preventive against malaria and dengue fever.
  • In the case of acute fever, a decoction of the leaves boiled with cardamom powder in half a litre of water mixed with sugar and milk brings down the temperature.
    Tulsi is also a good germicidal agent and a disinfectant that protects the human body from all types of viral infections.

2. Cough And Respiratory Problems

Chewing Tulsi leaves also cures cough and flu. It helps to mobilize mucous in bronchitis and asthma attacks. A decoction of leaves with honey and ginger is an effective remedy for bronchitis, asthma, influenza, and cold. A decoction of leaves, cloves and common salt also relieves influenza.
Water boiled with basil leaves can be taken as a drink in case of a sore throat. You can also gargle with this water to soothe sore throat. Tulsi is an important ingredient in the preparation of cough syrups and expectorant.

3. Healing Properties

Basil leaves have antiseptic properties and are hence, used in the treatment of ulcers, cuts and wounds. They help in reducing the pain caused by measles, chicken pox, and small pox. A mixture of basil leaves juice and coconut oil can be applied on cuts and wounds to give relief. Chewing a basil leaf or applying the juice of basil leaves on the area stung or bitten by an insect also helps relieve the pain as well as draw the venom out.

4. Treatment of Sore Throat

A concoction made by boiling basil leaves in water can be taken as a drink or used for gargling to get relief from a sore throat.

5. Kidney Stones

One of the Tulsi plant’s uses is that its leaves have a strengthening effect on the kidneys. In case of renal stones, the consumption of juice of basil leaves mixed with honey helps remove these stones through the urinary tract. Tulsi being a detoxifying agent can help to reduce uric acid level which is the main reason behind kidney stones.


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6. Heart Disorder

Basil is very beneficial in combating cardiac disease and the weakness resulting from it. It reduces blood cholesterol levels. Tulsi also contains Vitamin C and other anti-oxidants such as Eugenol protects the heart from harmful effects of free radicals. Tulsi can also reduce blood pressure and thus is useful for heart patients.

7. Children’s Ailments

  • Common paediatric problems like cough, cold diarrhea and vomiting respond favourably to Tulsi juice.
  • Basil leaves taken with honey keeps chicken pox at bay.
  • If a baby is given Tulsi juice regularly before teething, it helps grow teeth easily without any of the usual teething troubles. Massaging the gums with a mixture of Tulsi leaves and honey will also help.
  • Giving children a mixture of Tulsi juice and honey helps bring relief from cough and sore throat too.
  • Warm Tulsi juice gets rid of the worms in the stomach.

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8. Diabetes

Tulsi is one of the many herbs that help to control blood sugar level in a person. It reduces the blood sugar levels by causing a sudden or drastic drop.

9. Stomach Problems

Several stomach problems like acidity, constipation and flatulence can also be cured with Tulsi leaves. Tulsi supports the digestive system and makes you feel less bloated and more comfortable. It also helps people suffering from vomiting and lack of appetite.

10. Aids In Weight Loss

Basil leaves taken with home-made fresh curd help in reducing excess weight and fight laziness by renewing your energy levels and facilitating new blood cells formation.

11. Eye Disorder

Basil juice is an effective remedy for sore eyes and night blindness, which is generally caused by lack of Vitamin A. Two drops of basil juice can work wonders for the eyes. It soothes eyes and reduces stress. Also, it can protect from conjunctivitis, boils and other problems of the eyes which are caused mainly due to bacterial and fungal infections by washing eyes with water soaked in Tulsi leaves.
Basil leaves act as relaxants for your eyes to sooth stress induced fine lines. Chewing a couple of basil leaves helps to ward off eye problems caused by free radicals such as vision degeneration, cataracts and glaucoma. Basil leaves juice is an effective remedy for sore eyes and night blindness.

12. Anti-Cancer

Tulsi is anti-carcinogenic in nature and helps to treat some forms of cancer like breast cancer. Tulsi restricts the blood vessels that feed tumors. It also helps to inhibit the growth of oral cancer that is caused due to tobacco. But Tulsi should not be used as a sole treatment of cancer however.

13. Gum Disorder

The leaves are also useful in treating gum disorders. Tulsi leaves dried and powdered can be used for brushing teeth. It can also be mixed with mustard oil and can be used as a toothpaste. It maintains the health of the gums and helps to counteract pyorrhoea and other dental problems. This toothpaste can also be rubbed on the gums to hinder gum inflammation.
Tulsi is also used as a mouthwash to relieve tooth for headache. A faciache. Tulsi is an excellent mouth freshener and oral disinfectant and destroys 99% of germs and bacteria found in the mouth. These leaves are quite effective for several mouth infections like ulcer.

14. Help to Get Rid Of Bad Breath

Bad breath can be detrimental to your self-confidence. Basil leaves can be a healthy substitute to special toothpastes and chewing gums to ward off bad breath. You can chew a handful of basil leaves to prevent bad breath.

15. Helpful In Quitting Smoking

Chain smokers can try chewing basil leaves to get rid of their addiction. These can be more beneficial than nicotine patches, flavored gum or even plain candy to curb the urge. While the juice has a cooling effect on your throat, the chewing will distract you and the antioxidants will repair the damage caused due to years of smoking.

16. Relief From Headache

Basil leaves are considered a great medicine for headaches. A facial steam of dried basil leaf is effective in alleviating headache. For this purpose, add a tablespoon of dried basil leaves to 2 cups of water in a large pot. Covering your head with a towel, carefully lean over the pot and breathe in the steam for 5 to 10 minutes. You can also apply pounded basil leaves mixed in sandalwood paste on your forehead to get relief from heat and headache as well as cooling effect in general.

17. Pain Relief

Tulsi plant acts like a COX-2 inhibitor and benefits people with painful medical conditions. Some compounds found in Tulsi helps to ease inflammatory and neurological pain and has no side effects whatsoever. Tulsi is also used in the treatment of ulcers, cuts and wounds because of its beneficial antiseptic and healing properties.

18. Stress Reliever

The anti-oxidants present in Tulsi help in balancing different processes of the body. Drinking Tulsi extract daily smoothes the nervous system and helps to relieve stress.

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